"As soon as I told a good friend of mine about our plan for pregnancy, she immediately referred me to Abigail and reported that Abigail had helped to guide her in her own pregnancy and transition to motherhood. After having worked with Abigail from the months prior to pregnancy through the weeks leading up to labor and delivery, I now realize what my friend had meant. While motherhood has been one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences in my life, I did not love being pregnant. Abigail served as a wonderful support, a comforting guide and friend through the entire journey. She listened to my concerns, sat with me through some very challenging times and massaged away the recurrent backaches that only a pregnant woman can know. I feel very blessed to have had Abigail with me during my pregnancy and would highly recommend her to anyone embarking on this journey."
- S. P.
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are very supportive of the physical changes experienced by women in their pregnancy. Historically, abdominal massage was regularly performed by Maya midwives throughout pregnancy in order to make for an easier pregnancy and birth. As the baby and uterus grow, additional strain is put on the 9 uterine ligaments, pelvic floor muscles and pelvic ligaments. With regular massage, the uterus will be well-positioned, receive a good blood supply, and grow strong and resilient for labor. The lower back and pelvic bones are kept well-aligned which prevents many of the aches caused by the musculoskeletal changes of pregnancy. Better uterine and pelvic alignment allows for optimal fetal positioning before labor, facilitating an easier birth. In addition, the massage will help digestion improve and relieve heartburn.
This image is of Ixchel, Maya Goddess of the Moon, Childbirth, Medicine and Midwifery. Maya pregnant women made pilgrimages to her temples on the island of Cozumel, Mexico to pray for a happy, healthy, handsome baby.
Not only are women more comfortable in their pregnancy with regular Arvigo Therapy®, but repeatedly Arvigo® practitioners have found that their clients experience significantly shorter and easier labors. Traditionally, Maya midwives focused on abdominal massage as a vital part of the care they gave. Arvigo Therapy® can safely be performed after the first trimester. Clients are also taught how to do a special self care massage routine for pregnancy. This helps her relax and connect deeper with her body and growing baby.
The recommended frequency of pregnancy treatments is as follows:
Once a month until the 3rd trimester
Once every other week until 36 weeks
Weekly until birth
Twice weekly if past the estimated due date