By Dr. Rosita Arvigo

On fertility and pregnancy 

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler

The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis PhD.

The Fertility Diet by Jorge Chavarro MD

Making Babies: A Proven 3 Month Program for Maximum Fertility by Sami David MD & Jill Blakeway L.Ac


The Natural Pregnancy Book by Aviva Jill Romm and Ina May Gaskin

Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Deepak Chopra

Birthing from Withing by Pam England CNM

Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley MD

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin

The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin

Mindful Birthing by Nancy Bardacke

Wisewoman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susan Weed

Natural Health After Birth by Aviva Jill Romm

On women’s health 

The Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent

Maternity Fitness by Julie Tuppler

Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup

Mother-Daughter Wisdom by Dr. Chistiane Northrup